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So far LPL Marketing has created 239 blog entries.

Turning Profits into Wealth: A Guide for High-Earning Business Owners

Growing a business is impressive, but it takes more than just turning a profit to build wealth: It requires a mind shift from short-term gains to long-term prosperity. A business owner must focus on the company's financial confidence and long-term sustainability. Here are some critical tips to help business owners turn their earnings into wealth. [...]

By |2024-05-01T13:22:45-05:00May 14th, 2024|The Founders Group|0 Comments

Wondering How to Finance Your Small Business or Side Hustle?

Having a small business or side hustle can be a great way to increase your income. Even though the old saying goes, "It takes money to make money," what if you just don't have the extra cash on hand to put things in motion? Below are some tips to help you kickstart your new venture [...]

By |2024-05-01T13:06:24-05:00May 7th, 2024|The Founders Group|0 Comments

10 Tips to Help HNW Individuals Avoid an “F” On Their Financial Literacy Report Card

Financial literacy is essential for everyone but can be crucial for high-net-worth (HNW) individuals who may have more wealth to lose than others. Navigating the complex financial landscape is no small task, and having the foundation of financial literacy can help. Financial literacy is essential to wealth management because it may help mitigate the risk [...]

By |2024-04-01T13:52:07-05:00April 23rd, 2024|The Founders Group|0 Comments

Improving Your Financial Literacy Can Improve Your Business

Financial literacy is essential for your personal financial health and even more crucial for the financial health of your small business. Being a small business owner comes with many responsibilities, one of which is maintaining the company's finances and helping keep it on track toward a solid financial future. Whether you are just starting to [...]

By |2024-04-01T13:30:35-05:00April 16th, 2024|The Founders Group|0 Comments

It’s Not Too Late to Become Financially Literate

Financial literacy is crucial to a solid financial future and an enjoyable retirement. No matter your age, when you understand how to manage your money and finances, you can make sound financial decisions and take the needed steps toward your financial goals. So, if you are approaching retirement and want to improve your financial literacy, [...]

By |2024-04-01T13:24:46-05:00April 9th, 2024|The Founders Group|0 Comments

The ABCs of Financial Literacy

Learning financial literacy, such as money management, budgeting, and investing, can seem daunting, but is no different than learning how to speak another language. Being financially literate allows you to have a better, more intelligent relationship with your money, allowing you to make financial decisions more quickly and efficiently. Why is Financial Literacy so Important? [...]

By |2024-04-01T13:16:20-05:00April 3rd, 2024|The Founders Group|0 Comments

Why Your Credit Score Matters in Retirement

Regardless of the stage of life, your credit score is an essential component of your financial health when you're in retirement. A consistently strong credit score can pave the way for greater confidence, easy loan access, and lower interest rates. Many retirees overlook the importance of maintaining a suitable credit score after they stop working [...]

High Income, High Debt: 10 Ways High Earners Can Prevent a Credit Crisis

A personal credit crisis is something many people fear, as it can lead to financial ruin and burden an individual with immense debt. Fortunately, steps can be taken to avoid such a crisis, even for high earners who may seem financially secure. When managed poorly, credit can invite various potential issues, including problems with enforceable [...]

The Importance of Business Credit and How to Build It

Credit is one of the most important factors of life that impacts all businesses. Having solid credit is necessary for securing a small business loan. Most lenders consider an acceptable business credit score of 75. The U.S. Small Business Administration published a study by the Native American Dream Gap which disclosed that 45% of small [...]

Markets are Heating Up

As spring approaches, the weather is starting to warm up. For the stock market, the temperature has been rising for a while now. In fact, since December 2023, the S&P 500 has not experienced a pullback of even 2%. Strong starts to years tend to signal more gains ahead, so this calm market may not [...]

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