Retirement Plans for Closely Held Businesses

If you are self-employed or own a small business and you haven't established a retirement savings plan, what are you waiting for? A retirement plan can help you and your employees save for the future. Tax advantages A retirement plan can have significant tax advantages: Your contributions are deductible when made Your contributions aren't taxed [...]

If Social Security Falls Short, Have a Plan

Are you worried about the current state of the Social Security system and how its future may affect your retirement income? It’s important to take a long, hard look at your current savings strategy to ensure you’ll be able to compensate for this, or any other, retirement income shortfall. Here are some important savings strategies [...]

10 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund

As we approach tax day 2022, you may be expecting to receive a tax refund. While you may have a temptation to spend your tax return, other options may be more beneficial to your financial situation. Your tax refund is for overpayment of your taxes and reflects your hard work. With that in mind, here [...]

Spring Clean Your Finances with a Financial Review

Spring cleaning presents a great opportunity to clear out any items you no longer need—and the same goes for your finances. Checking in with your finances during tax season may be particularly beneficial, as it allows you to complete last year's taxes while making any changes you need to potentially improve next year's tax situation. [...]

The Traits of a Good Investor & How Women Can Make the Most of Them

Many women manage their own money. This includes women who have always been doing so and women who are relatively new to the world of investing, for whatever reason. Regardless of your level of investing experience, there are certain investor traits that can prove advantageous for anyone. Traits such as patience, willingness to confront and [...]

How To Manage Your 401k When You Switch Jobs

In the past, boomers and generation Xers often held on to jobs for 10 or more years. Some professionals stayed with the same company for most of their working lives. The Great Recession changed this for many. Now, people have become more comfortable moving from job to job. Millennials are especially adept at this. They [...]

By |2022-01-14T14:06:17-06:00February 21st, 2022|OnPath Thought Leadership, The Founders Group|0 Comments

Building a Strong Financial Foundation

Today, many people are concerned about saving for retirement or paying for a large ticket item, such as a child’s college education. If you belong to this group, now may be the time to organize your finances. It is never too early to begin, and the sooner you start, the better. Consider the following steps [...]

By |2022-01-14T14:00:03-06:00February 7th, 2022|OnPath Thought Leadership, The Founders Group|0 Comments

Tax Prep Checklist: Everything You Need to be Ready for Tax Season

Regardless of whether you prepare your taxes yourself or use a professional's services, it's a good idea to gather the information and documentation you need well in advance of your actual tax filing date. Below, we've listed some key information you need when preparing this year's taxes. Your Personal Information The personal information you may [...]

Get Smart with Your New Year’s Resolutions

Many of us set resolutions every New Year’s Day. But if your resolution is too broad or doesn’t have a deadline, it is much easier to abandon or forget it. As the saying goes, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” This year, stick to your resolutions using the SMART goal structure. This [...]

What to Know About Working With a Financial Professional

If you've been wondering how to optimize your finances and ensure your money continues to work for you, a financial professional may be able to help. But the thought of turning over your most sensitive financial information to a near-stranger can be an intimidating one. To make this relationship work, you'll need to place a great [...]

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