Balancing Business Ownership and Homeownership

Owning a home and running a business are two significant investments that require dedication, planning, and balancing. Both ventures have potential rewards and risks and demand considerable financial commitment and personal involvement. This article explores the possible impacts of combining business and home ownership and tips to help navigate this complex yet achievable endeavor. Business [...]

By |2024-05-29T13:36:30-05:00June 3rd, 2024|The Founders Group|0 Comments

Family Wealth Transfer Planning: Keeping it in the Family Through Generational Giving

What is family wealth, and how do you preserve it? You have worked hard for years and accumulated wealth. You earned this money through your job, investing, and saving, and you want to preserve it for yourself and to take care of the family you love. With the projected modification of the current legislation, 2023 [...]

By |2023-08-16T14:14:44-05:00September 27th, 2023|OnPath Thought Leadership, The Founders Group|0 Comments

College Funding Strategies for Business Owners

What are my options as a business owner? As a business owner, you have unique college planning opportunities. If you are in a high tax bracket, it may be advantageous for you to shift assets or income to your child, who will typically be in a lower tax bracket. Generally, you can shift business income [...]

By |2023-08-16T13:55:28-05:00September 20th, 2023|OnPath Thought Leadership, The Founders Group|0 Comments

A Financial Checklist for Life-Changing Events

When it comes to financial planning, people often think of financial professionals as people who assist with strategies for retirement planning. That is one aspect of their job; however, financial planning and working with a financial professional can benefit anybody who experiences life-changing events, including getting a new job, marriage, debt repayment plans, buying a [...]

By |2023-08-16T13:41:44-05:00September 12th, 2023|OnPath Thought Leadership, The Founders Group|0 Comments

The Rules for Charitable Giving are Always Changing

A financial professional can help guide you through the maze of IRS rules Contributing to charities comes with a load of tax rules. Here’s are a few things to think about... Every April 16th (or in 2020, July 16th) should remind us of everyone’s least favorite season – tax-planning time. Because starting well in advance [...]

By |2023-08-16T13:14:04-05:00September 6th, 2023|OnPath Thought Leadership, The Founders Group|0 Comments

Teaching Your College-Age Child about Money

When your child first started school, you doled out the change for milk and a snack on a daily basis. But now that your kindergartner has grown up, it's time for you to make sure that your child has enough financial knowledge to manage money at college. Lesson 1: Budgeting 101 Perhaps your child already [...]

Benefits of Owning a Second Home in Today’s Market

Summer is here and with it are fanciful dreams of owning a second, seasonal home. Maybe it’s a beachside bungalow or a mountain cabin or a lakefront cottage with a front porch and a sweeping view of the sunlight on the water. All of them no doubt sound enticing, but fulfilling this dream takes attention [...]

6 Savvy Ways Small Businesses May Save Money This Summer

Whether your business tends to slow down or speed up in the summer months, there are a few things small-business owners may consider to cut expenses as the temperature rises. Here are six savvy ways for small businesses to save money during summer. Consider Going Remote For retail stores or restaurants, remote work may not [...]

5 Ways to Protect Your Home from Summer Storms

[QUESTION] I know that hurricane season starts on June 1. What should I be doing to protect my home (and my finances) from storms this summer? [ANSWER] This is the perfect time to take steps to help your home avoid damage from summer storms and other weather. Hurricane season runs from June to November, and [...]

8 Things Financial Planning Can Help You Address

Financial planning is unique for each person; no two financial plans look the same because everyone's life and personal goals are different. Regardless of what your goals are, financial planning can help you work towards achieving them. One of the most significant benefits of financial planning is that it gives you the confidence to stay [...]

By |2022-10-26T14:27:49-05:00October 26th, 2022|OnPath Thought Leadership, The Founders Group|0 Comments
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