4 Ways to Celebrate World Nature Conservation Day

World Nature Conservation day is fast approaching. July 28th is a day when we acknowledge the importance of conservation to ensure a stronger future for the next generations. So how do you do your part and mark the occasion? By finding small ways to conserve in your everyday life. Check out some of the easiest [...]

The Crazy Cost of the Olympic Games

Since the first modern Olympic games in 1896, the competition has been a prestigious honor for the hosting country, but also a significant economic and structural undertaking. Billions of dollars are put toward the construction of new stadiums, lodging, and other facilities, not to mention the opening and closing ceremonies, which can bring in millions [...]

Financial Planning and Living Globally

The past 100 years have seen changes in how people plan for their financial futures and how they live. Borders no longer restrict people from living in one country; their profession often takes them to parts of the world they never anticipated. Today, it’s not uncommon for a family to live part-time in one country [...]

4 Hot Weather Safety Tips for Pets

Summertime is great for walking and playing in the sunshine with your pet. Unfortunately, pets have a harder time keeping cool when the temperatures soar. Here are some tips to keep your pet safe, healthy, and happy under the fun sun. In the car It’s vacation season, but if you’re planning on bringing your pup [...]

Rethinking Social Wellness for Your Employees

Corporate wellness programs have been key tools in improving productivity, employee retention, and creating a more desirable corporate culture. While many companies have put a strong focus on physical wellness plans, many are just touching on the surfaces of other vital components of a wellness program, such as emotional, financial, and social wellness. By including [...]

Investing in Your Vacation

Why do most avoid this important investment? Why do so many of us not use our vacation days?  Salespeople talk about “leaving money on the table.”  Well, employees leave vacation on the table. And the cost to us is significant. In fact, Americans leave 429 million vacation hours on this proverbial table, according to a [...]

Umbrella Policies: Extra Coverage and Peace

Additional insurance to protect your assets and future: Why doesn’t anyone ever tell you not to buy an umbrella liability policy? It seems like additional overall security for pennies. Sure, you can spend pennies paying for something you don’t need or will never use, but isn’t that the argument against all insurance? Let’s run some [...]

Are You Aware of the Child Tax Credit Changes?

New changes thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act – but just for 2021 The Child Tax Credit (CTC) was introduced through the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 and it was a $500-per-child nonrefundable credit to provide tax relief to families. And over the past 20+ years, there have been a dizzying number of modifications that have increased [...]

Maintaining the Investment You Made in Your Home

For many Americans, the home is the single biggest purchase made during their lifetime.[1] As a result, it's important to do everything possible to keep it in good condition. Even moderate or short-term neglect can be dangerous, as small problems can quickly snowball into larger and more expensive ones. But homes don't come with an instruction [...]

What Newlyweds Should Know About Merging and Managing Finances

Many newlyweds can't imagine letting something like money get into the way of their marital happiness. However, around a third of coupled adults report that money problems cause the most fights in their relationship.[1] What can newlyweds do to facilitate an open conversation around this fraught topic and reduce conflict? Below, we'll discuss three factors to [...]

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