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So far LPL Marketing has created 239 blog entries.

Staying on Track with Your Retirement Investments

Investing for your retirement isn't about getting rich quick. More often, it's about having a game plan that you can live with over a long time. You wouldn't expect to be able to play the piano without learning the basics and practicing. Investing for your retirement over the long term also takes a little knowledge [...]

Planning Lessons for Educators- Addressing Your Finances

Being an educator requires expertise and that you stay current on developments in your field. However, that level of ongoing attention can make it difficult to find the time to stay on top of issues that affect your finances, or to put together a comprehensive financial plan. Whether you work directly with students or focus [...]

Value Investing & Today’s Affluent Portfolio

Every consumer likes a good bargain, particularly value investors, who seek out stocks trading for less than their intrinsic value. By choosing companies the market has undervalued, or investing in mutual funds with similar objectives, value investors may realize positive returns. With proper diversification, the prudent use of a value-based investment philosophy may well serve [...]

4 Tips & Resources to Help Seniors During Periods of High Infation & Market Volatility

In 2022, U.S. inflation hit a 40-year high, with prices for food, housing, gasoline, and other key staples increasing by nearly 10% over the previous year.1 During these uncertain times, stocks have continued a roller-coaster ride that has given heartburn to financial professionals and investors alike. For retirees and seniors on a fixed income, the true [...]

A Financial Planning Guide for Families with Disabilities

About 61 million adults in the U.S. live with a disability. Many of these disabilities are serious enough to impact a person’s daily life.1 There may be financial benefits available to those whose disabilities leave them unable to hold down a job. However, these benefits may come with strict rules and regulations, such as limits [...]

Summer Vacations and the Allure of Timeshares

Vacations during the summer months might have you thinking about timeshares for resorts in places like Florida or Mexico. They seem like a fun idea for a winter vacation in the sunshine, as well as a good deal financially. They are neither. Like Groundhog Day One of the biggest problems with timeshares in general is [...]

Closely Held Business Owners and the Value of Insurance

A solid financial plan for small businesses is vital, and part of that financial plan should be insurance. Insurance is essential to preserve small businesses, cover their assets, and safeguard their employees. Here are some types of insurance coverage a small business should have and why this is critical to your financial plan. General Liability [...]

An Introduction to Estate Planning for the Sandwich Generation

For members of the "Sandwich Generation"—those currently in their 40s and 50s who are caring for children and their parents who are over 65-years old—estate planning may seem like a low priority. After all, when you're juggling multiple caregiving responsibilities daily, sitting down to draft a will is easy to put off. But estate planning [...]

Take to the Trail

Between 1910 and 1930, the Green Mountain Club of Vermont established the oldest long-distance hiking trail in the United States—appropriately dubbed the Long Trail. It inspired another recognizable hiking system along the East Coast, the Appalachian Trail, which is enjoyed by some three million people each year. Although hiking has grown in popularity among the [...]

Tips to Shape Up Your Fiscal Fitness This Summer

Many people realize that the best way to stay in shape is to develop an appropriate fitness regimen and then stick with it. If you start a fitness program and drop out, you never give yourself a chance to become physically fit. In the long run, regular workouts pay off. It is the same with [...]

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